Jasmin Beyle
für Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Beyle, J. (2016). Der Einfluss des
Alters der Parentalgeneration auf die
Geschlechtsbildung ex-situ
geborener Gibbons. Diplomarbeit, Institut für
Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, vii +
62 pp.
Tanja Maly and Tobias Zimmermann
Institute, University Zürich-Irchel, Switzerland
Anthropologie 2012:
Self-covering in children
Saskia Rothe
Abteilung Didaktik der Biowissenschaften,
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Staatsexamensarbeit 2012:
Rothe, S. (2012). Kommunikation bei
Menschenaffen – Eine audiovisuelle Studie der long calls von Orang
Utans im
Frankfurter Zoo. Staatsexamensarbeit, Abteilung Didaktik der
Biowissenschaften, Fachbereich 15, Fachdidaktik 2 (Biologie), Frankfurt
am Main, 328 pp.
Elias Bader
Anthropological Institute, University Zürich-Irchel, Switzerland
Anthropologie 2011:
"We are being observed" – Interactions between pileated gibbons (Hylobates pileatus) and zoo visitors
Franziska Corradini & Kim Kaltenbach
Kantonsschule Olten, Switzerland |
Praktikum 2009:
Interaktionen zwischen Zoobesuchern und Gibbons im Zürcher Zoo
Enrico Boschi
Kantonsschule Olten, Switzerland |
Maturaarbeit 2010:
Boschi, E. (2010). Selbstbedeckungsverhalten
bei Primaten und Menschen. Maturaarbeit, Kantonsschule Olten, 24
Simon Fuchs
Geographical Institute, University Zürich-Irchel, Switzerland |
Master's thesis 2007-2012:
Fuchs, S. (2012). Die
Gesangsdiversität und Taxonomie der Schopfgibbons
(Gattung Nomascus) im zentralen
Ost-Kambodscha [The vocal
diversity and taxonomy of the crested gibbons (genus Nomascus)
in central eastern Cambodia.]. Diplomarbeit, Geographisches Institut
Universität Zürich, xi + 118 pp.
Sandrine N. Dam
Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo, Università "La Sapienza"
di Roma, Italy |
Master's thesis 2005-2007:
The duet song of the hoolock gibbon (Bunopithecus
Dam, S. N. (2006). A short study on wild hoolock
gibbons (Hoolock hoolock) in Assam and Bangladesh. Gibbon
Journal 2: 40-47. |
Judith J. G. M. van der
Institute of food, agricultural and horticultural sectors, HAS Den
Bosch University of Professional Education, The Netherlands |
Bachelor's thesis 2007:
Van Der Loo, J. J. G. M., and Nouwen, K. J. J. M.
(2007). Pair bonding in captive pileated gibbons (Hylobates
pileatus), Bachelor's thesis, Animal Husbandry/Animal Health and
Care, University of applied science, HAS Den Bosch University, The
Netherlands. 38 pp. |
Kim Nouwen
Institute of food, agricultural and horticultural sectors, HAS Den
Bosch University of Professional Education, The Netherlands |
Bachelor's thesis 2007:
Van Der Loo, J. J. G. M., and Nouwen, K. J. J. M.
(2007). Pair bonding in captive pileated gibbons (Hylobates
pileatus), Bachelor's thesis, Animal Husbandry/Animal Health and
Care, University of applied science, HAS Den Bosch University, The
Netherlands. 38 pp. |
Julia C. Ruppell
Anthropology, Portland State University, U.S.A.
Master's thesis 2006-2007:
Ruppell, J. (2007). The vocal diversity of Nomascus
in Vietnam and Laos, Master's thesis, Anthropology, Portland State
University. vi+81 pp.
Ruppell, J. C. (2010). Vocal diversity and taxonomy of Nomascus
in central Vietnam and southern Laos. International Journal of
Primatology 31: 73-94.
Ruppell, J. (2008). The gibbons of Pu Mat National Park in Vietnam. Gibbon
Journal 4: 39-45.
Ruppell, J. (2007). The gibbons of Phong Nha-Ke Bang, National Park in
Vietnam. Gibbon Journal 3: 50-55. |
Melissa S. Waller
Oxford Brookes University, U.K. |
Master's thesis 2005:
Waller, M. S. (2005). Vocal diversity of male
Kloss's gibbons (Hylobates klossii) in the Mentawai islands, Indonesia.
M.Sc. thesis in Primate Conservation, Oxford Brookes University, U.K.,
viii + 51 pp.
Keith, S. A., Waller, M. S., and Geissmann, T. (2009).
Vocal diversity of Kloss's gibbons (Hylobates klossii) in the
Mentawai Islands, Indonesia. In Lappan, S. M., and Whittacker, D.
(eds.) The gibbons: New perspectives on small ape socioecology and
population biology, Springer, New York, pp. 51-71.
Waller, M. S. (2006). Rain and Kloss's gibbons: A travelogue from the
Mentawai islands in Indonesia. Gibbon Journal 2: 25-28. |
Sally A. Keith
Oxford Brookes University, U.K. |
Master's thesis 2005:
Keith, S. A. (2005). Vocal diversity of female
Kloss's gibbons (Hylobates klossii) in the Mentawai islands, Indonesia.
M.Sc. thesis in Primate Conservation, Oxford Brookes University, U.K.,
x + 85 pp.
Keith, S. A., Waller, M. S., and Geissmann, T. (2009).
Vocal diversity of Kloss’s gibbons (Hylobates klossii) in the
Mentawai Islands, Indonesia. In Lappan, S. M., and Whittacker, D.
(eds.) The gibbons: New perspectives on small ape socioecology and
population biology, Springer, New York, pp. 51-71.
Keith, S. A. (2006). Conservation status of the Kloss's gibbon (Hylobates
klossii) in the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia. Gibbon Journal
2: 29-32. |
Andrea About
Anthropological Institute, University Zürich-Irchel, Switzerland |
Diplomarbeit 2004-2005:
Partner distance, pair bonds and duet songs in siamangs |
Rasmus Heller
Copenhagen University, Denmark |
Master's thesis 2004-2005:
Vocal diversity of Indonesian agile gibbons (Hylobates
agilis) |
Andrea von Allmen
Vertebrate Lab., Zoologisches Institut, Universität Basel, Switzerland |
Diplomarbeit 2004-2005:
von Allmen, A. (2005). Soziale Kommunikation bei
Schopfgibbons (Gattung Nomascus) in zoologischen Gärten
[Social communication in crested gibbons (genus Nomascus) kept
in zoos]. Diploma thesis, Zoological Insitute, University Basel and
Anthropological Institute, University Zürich-Irchel, Switzerland, 76 pp.
von Allmen, A., and Geissmann, T. (2010). Soziale Kommunikation bei
Schopfgibbons (Gattung Nomascus) in zoologischen Gärten. In
Bürgin, T., and Straub, J. O. (eds.) Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag
von Prof. Dr. David Gaudenz Senn, T. Bürgin and J. O. Straub, St.
Gallen and Allschwil, pp. 7-16 (German text).
von Allmen, A. (2006). Soziale Kommunikation bei Schopfgibbons (Gattung
Nomascus) in zoologischen Gärten. Gibbon Journal
2: 48-49 (German text).
Geissmann, T., Traber, S., and von Allmen, A. (2006). Das
Nangunhe-Naturreservat, Provinz Yunnan, China: Ein Projektbericht
[Nangunhe Nature Reserve, Yunnan Province, China: A project report]. Gibbon
Journal 2: 14-17 (German text, English summary).
von Allmen, A., and Geissmann, T. (2005). La communication sociale des
gibbons concolor (Genre Nomascus) dans les jardins zoologiques.
In: Primatologie et préservation de la biodiversité. Programme,
résumés, participants. XVIIIe Colloque de la Société Francophone de
Primatologie, 19-21 Octobre 2005, Besançon, France, p. 26. |
Janet de Vries
Vertebrate Lab., Zoologisches Institut, Universität Basel, Switzerland |
Diplomarbeit 2004-2005:
de Vries, J. (2004). A white-cheeked crested gibbon
ethogram and a comparison between siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus)
and white-cheeked crested gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys), Bachelor's
thesis, Van Hall Institute, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, ii+64 pp. |
Roger Konrad
Anthropological Institute, University Zürich-Irchel, Switzerland |
Diplomarbeit 2002-2004:
Konrad, R. (2004). Vocal diversity and taxonomy of crested gibbons
(genus Nomascus) in Cambodia. Diploma thesis,
Anthropological Institute, Zürich University, 94 pp.
Konrad, R., and Geissmann, T. (2007). Menschenrechte für Gibbons?
Versuche mit Menschenaffen [Human rights for gibbons? Experiments with
apes]. Gibbon Journal 3: 16-22 (German text, English
Konrad, R., and Geissmann, T. (2006). Vocal diversity and taxonomy of Nomascus
in Cambodia. International Journal of Primatology 27:
Konrad, R. (2005). Auf Stimmenfang in Kambodscha: Ein Reisebericht. Gibbon
Journal 1: 15-17 (German text, English abstract).
Konrad, R. (2005). Die Gesangsdiversität und Taxonomie der
Schopfgibbons (Gattung Nomascus) in Kambodscha. Gibbon
Journal 1: 23 (German abstract only).
Konrad, R. (2004). Die Gesangsdiversität und Taxonomie der
Schopfgibbons (Gattung Nomascus) in Kambodscha. Bulletin
der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Anthropologie / Bulletin de la
Société Suisse d'Anthropologie 2004(2): 71-72 (German text).
Konrad, R., and Geissmann, T. (2004). Vocal diversity and taxonomy of
crested gibbons (Nomascus spp.) in Cambodia. Folia
Primatologica 75, Supplement 1: 288-289 (Abstract only). |
Marina Davila Ross
Institute of Zoology, Tierärztliche Hochschule, Hannover, Germany |
Diplomarbeit, 2002-2004:
Davila Ross, M. (2004). The long calls of wild
orangutans: A phylogenetic approach. Diploma thesis, Institut für
Zoologie, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, 74 pp.
Laborpraktikum, 2000:
Hand-modulation of siamang song vocalizations
Davila Ross, M., and Geissmann, T. (in press). Circadian long call
distribution in wild orangutans. Primatologie (in press).
Davila Ross, M., and Geissmann, T. (2007). Call diversity of wild male
orangutans: A phylogenetic approach. American Journal of Primatology
69: 305-324.
Davila Ross, M., and Geissmann, T. (2005). Orangutan long call
diversity: A phylogenetic approach. Primate Report 72-1
(Special Issue, Dec. 2005): 17-18 (Abstract only).
Davila Ross, M., and Geissmann, T. (2004). Biphonation in orangutan
long calls. Folia Primatologica 75, Supplement 1:
368-369 (Abstract only). |
Arne Stuenkel
Institute of Zoology, Tierärztliche Hochschule, Hannover, Germany |
Sünkel, A. (2003). Phylogenie der loud calls der
asiatischen Languren (Presbytini). Staatsexamensarbeit, Institut
für Zoologie, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, 103 pp. |
Arite Heuck
Institute of Zoology, Tierärztliche Hochschule, Hannover, Germany |
Laborpraktikum, 2002:
Gesang eines Silbergibbonmännchens im Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta
Geissmann, T.; Bohlen-Eyring, S., and Heuck, A. (2005). The male song
of the Javan silvery gibbon (Hylobates moloch). Contributions
to Zoology 74: 1-25.
Geissmann, T.; Bohlen-Eyring, S., and Heuck, A. (2004). The male song
of the Javan silvery gibbon (Hylobates moloch). Folia
Primatologica 75, Supplement 1: 266-267 (Abstract only). |
Simone Rosenkranz
Hamburg, Germany |
Diplomarbeit 2001-2002:
Rosenkranz, S. (2002). Paarbindungsverhalten beim Gibbon
(Hylobatidae): Eine vergleichende ethologische Studie im Zoo.
Diploma thesis, Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Hamburg, 105 pp. |
Livia Wittiger
Freiburg, Germany |
Wittiger, L. (2002). Die Long Calls der
Callitrichidae: Ein Beitrag zu ihrer Phylogenie.
Staatsexamensarbeit, Institut für Zoologie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Freiburg, 82 pp. |
Susanne Eichler
Wedemark, Germany |
Diplomarbeit 2000-2002:
Eichler, S. (2002). Das Lautrepertoire der Schopfgibbons (Gattung Nomascus).
Diploma thesis, Institut für Zoologie, Tierärztliche Hochschule
Hannover, 112 pp.
Laborpraktikum, 1998:
Der Gesang des Weisswangenschopfgibbons im Zoo Hannover |
Nicole Hagenah
Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of Pretoria,
Pretoria 0002, South Africa |
Laborpraktikum, 1999-2000:
Frühe Verhaltensentwicklung eines Weisswangen-Schopfgibbons (Nomascus
leucogenys) im Zoo Hannover |
Sylke Bohlen-Eyring
Wettmar, Germany |
Eyring, S. (2000). Der Männchengesang beim Silbergibbon (Hylobates
moloch). Staatsexamensarbeit, Institut für
Zoologie, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, 82 pp.
Geissmann, T.; Bohlen-Eyring, S., and Heuck, A. (2005). The male song
of the Javan silvery gibbon (Hylobates moloch). Contributions
to Zoology 74: 1-25.
Geissmann, T.; Bohlen-Eyring, S., and Heuck, A. (2004). The male song
of the Javan silvery gibbon (Hylobates moloch). Folia
Primatologica 75, Supplement 1: 266-267 (Abstract only). |
Robert Dallmann
Institute of Zoology, Tierärztliche Hochschule, Bünteweg 17, D-30559
Hannover, Germany
E-mail: robert@dallmanns.de |
Dallmann, R. (1999). Die Gesangsvariabilität beim Silbergibbon (Hylobates
moloch). Staatsexamensarbeit, Institut für
Zoologie, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, 92 pp.
Dallmann, R., and Geissmann, T. (2009). Individual and geographical
variability in the songs of wild silvery gibbons (Hylobates moloch)
on Java, Indonesia. In Lappan, S. M., and Whittacker, D. (eds.) The
gibbons: New perspectives on small ape socioecology and population
biology, Springer, New York, pp. 91-110.
Geissmann, T., and Dallmann, R. (2002). Die Gesänge der Gibbons und die
Evolution der Musik. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Biologie in
der Schule 51(1): 21-29 (German text).
Geissmann, T.; Dallmann, R., and Pastorini, J. (2002). The Javan
silvery gibbon (Hylobates moloch): Are there several subspecies?
In: Caring for primates. Abstracts of the XIXth congress of the
International Primatological Society, 4th-9th August, 2002, Beijing,
China (p. 120). Beijing: Mammalogical Society of China.
Dallmann, R., and Geissmann, T. (2001). Different levels of variability
in the female song of wild silvery gibbons (Hylobates moloch). Behaviour
138: 629-648.
Dallmann, R., and Geissmann, T. (2001). Different levels of variability
in the female song of wild silvery gibbons Hylobates moloch.
In: The XVIIIth congress of the International Primatological
Society, Adelaide, 7-12 January 2001: Primates in the new millennium.
Abstracts and programme (p. 127). Adelaide, South Australia.
Dallmann, R., and Geissmann, T. (2001). Individuality in the female
songs of wild silvery gibbons (Hylobates moloch) on Java,
Indonesia. Contributions to Zoology 70: 41-50.
Dallmann, R., and Geissmann, T. (2000). Individuality in the female
songs of wild silvery gibbons (Hylobates moloch) of Java,
Indonesia - Individualität in den Weibchengesängen wilder Silbergibbons
(Hylobates moloch) auf Java, Indonesien. Folia Primatologica
4: 220 (Abstract only). |
Almut Heine-Hold
Hannover, Germany |
Diplomarbeit, 1997-1998:
Hold, A. (1998). Das Verhaltensrepertoire des
Weisswangen-Schopfgibbons (Hylobates leucogenys).
Diploma thesis, Institut für Zoologie, Tierärztliche Hochschule
Hannover, 114 pp.
Heine, A., and Geissmann, T. (2000). Gibbon ethograms: What makes the
difference? - Gibbon Ethogramme: Woher kommen die kleinen Unterschiede?
Folia Primatologica 71: 228 (Abstract only). |
Maren A. Bulheller
IInstitut für Tierhygiene, Tierschutz und Nutztierethologie, Bünteweg
17p, Hannover, Germany |
Laborpraktikum 1997:
Sonagraphische Analyse des Schopfgibbongesangs (Nomascus). |
Stephie Klein
Institut für Pathologie, Bünteweg 17, D-30559 Hannover, Germany |
Laborpraktikum 1997:
Sonagraphische Analyse des Schopfgibbongesangs (Nomascus). |
Christian Braendle
Laboratory for Development and Evolution, Department of Zoology,
University Museum of Zoology, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK |
Laborpraktikum 1993-1994:
Behavioural development of a pileated gibbon (Hylobates pileatus)
Braendle, C., and Geissmann, T. (1997). Behavioural development of a
pileated gibbon (Hylobates pileatus). International Zoo News
44(1): 4-16.
Geissmann, T., and Braendle, C. (1997). Helping behaviour in captive
pileated gibbons (Hylobates pileatus). Folia Primatologica
68: 110-112. |
Geraldine Domeniconi-dal
Zürich, Switzerland |
Semesterarbeit 1993:
Dal Pra, G. (1993). Development of twins siamangs (Hylobates
syndactylus). Semester study, Dept. of Biology,
Swiss Federal Institute, 37 pp.
Dal Pra, G., and Geissmann, T. (1994). Behavioural development of twin
siamangs (Hylobates syndactylus). Primates 35:
325-342. |
Jan O. Fischer
Köln, Germany |
Laborpraktikum 1989:
Group harmony in gibbons: Comparison between white-handed gibbon (Hylobates
lar) and siamang (H. syndactylus).
Fischer, J.O., and Geissmann, T. (1990). Group harmony in gibbons:
Comparison between white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) and
siamang (H. syndactylus). Primates 31: 481-494.
Fischer, J.O., and Geissmann, T. (1989). Group harmony in gibbons:
Comparison between white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) and
siamang (Hylobates syndactylus). Primate Report 25:
66-67 (Abstract only). |