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Hylobates moloch |
Short phrases consisting of simple hoots and more complex hoots, among which longer hoots with one or two frequency inflections ("wa-oo", "wa-oo-wa") are particularly prominent for this species. Short phrases uttered by males and females. Only one of the males regularly produced bi-phasic hoots (softer than those of H. agilis) and short trills. Female great call consisting of a series of accelerated notes; climax not marked by particular frequency modulation of notes, but by moderately accelerated rhythm of notes becoming slower again at the end of the great call. Male does not produce coda. Male solo song bouts and female solo song bouts.
a. male short phrases (Munich Zoo, Germany, 16 July 1987; and Howletts Zoo, United Kingdom, 17 Oct. 1988)
b. great call sequnce consisting of female great call only (Munich Zoo, Germany, 16 July 1987)