This list of publications is presented in alphabetical
order. Formatting of references largely follows that used in the International
Journal of Primatology. If you know any gibbon-related research projects which
should be included in this list, please send an e-mail to the webmaster.

Amalia, S. (2006). Hubungan sosial individu muda
(juvenil) siamang (Hylobates syndactylus (Raffles, 1821)) di kandang
Sosialisasi Pulau Marak Pesisir Selatan [Social relationships among young (juvenile)
siamangs (Hylobates syndactylus (Raffles, 1821)) in a socialization
cage on Marak Island in South Pesisir]. Bachelor's thesis, Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas
Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Andalas, Padang, ii+35 pp. (Indonesian
Cunningham, C. L. (2006). Cognitive flexibility in gibbons (Hylobatidae): Object
manipulation and tool-use. PhD thesis, Department of Psychology, University of
Stirling, U.K., vii+257 pp.
Denic, M. (2006). Sozialverhalten im Familienverband bei Symphalangus syndactylus
im Tierpark Hellabrunn, München. Praktikumsarbeit zur Vorlesung Tierökologie
und Verhalten, Sommersemester 2006, betreut durch Prof. Dr. Gerstmeier, Lehrstuhl
für Zoologie, Technische Universität München.
Dooley, Helen (2006). Social behaviour in gibbon groups of gibbons (Hylobates
leucogenys and Hylobates moloch) at Perth Zoo. Honour's
thesis, School of Anatomy and Human Biology, The University of Western Australia.
viii+57 pp.
Eichmüller, P. (2006). Verhaltensbiologische Beobachtung der Silbergibbons
(Hylobates moloch) des Tierparks Hellabrunn, München. Praktikumsarbeit
zur Vorlesung Tierökologie und Verhalten, Sommersemester 2006, betreut durch
Prof. Dr. Gerstmeier, Lehrstuhl für Zoologie, Technische Universität München,
28 pp.
Lusher, A. S. (2006). Intra-specific variation in Bornean agile gibbon (Hylobates
agilis albibarbis) vocalisation. Master's thesis, University of
Surrey Roehampton, London, U.K., 177 pp.
Österberg, Petra (2006). Habitat requirements and the effects of forest fragmentation
on the western hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock hoolock) in Lawachara
National Park, Bangladesh, M.Sc. thesis in Primate Conservation, Oxford Brookes
University, U.K. viii+71 pp.
Phillips, A. (2006). Using morning duets to survey a population of Hylobates
agilis albibarbis in the Sebangau National Park: Results compared to
those found during an initial survey by Buckley (2004). BSc thesis, University
of Sussex, U.K., 52 pp.
Rindhia Putri, M. (2006). Aktivitas harian dan jenis makanan siamang yang baru
dilepas ke alam di Pulau Marak Pesisir Selatan [Daily activities and types of foods
newly released siamangs to the wild on Marak Island in South Pesisir]. Master's
thesis, Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas
Andalas, Padang, iii+30? pp. (Indonesian language).
Sanderson, S. (2006). Variation in great call structure of hybrid gibbons in central
Borneo. MSc thesis, School of Integrative Biology, University of Queensland,
xi+74 pp.
Sjahfirdi, L. (2006). Assessment of reproductive biology in captive-housed female
Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch Audebert 1797): With special emphasize
on ovarian cycle determination and daily activity observation. Ph.D. thesis,
Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Metematika Danilmu Penetahuan Alam, Program Pascasarjana,
Program Studi Biology, Depok, xiv+128 pp.
Su, M.-S. (2006). [Influence of visitors on the behavior and the use of enclosure
of captive primates in Shou Shan Zoo]. Master's Thesis, Biological Sciences,
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, 83 pp. (Chinese text, English abstract).
Susanti, R. (2006). Nematoda parasit gastrointestinal pada siamang (Hylobates
syndactylus, Raff) di pusat rehabilitasi siamang dan ungko Yayasan Kalaweit
Sumatera Barat di Pulau Marak [Gastrointestinal nematode parasites in siamangs (Hylobates
syndactylus, Raff) in rehabilitation centers and Agile Gibbon Kalaweit Foundation
of West Sumatra on Marak Island]. Master's thesis, Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas
Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Andalas, Padang, viii+33? pp. (Indonesian
Vereecke, Evie (2006). The functional morphology and bipedal locomotion of Hylobates
lar and its implication for the evolution of bipedalism in hominins, Ph.D.
thesis, Universiteit Antwerpen, Falculteit Wetenschappen, Biologie. 308 pp.