This list of publications is presented in alphabetical
order. Formatting of references largely follows that used in the International
Journal of Primatology. If you know any gibbon-related research projects which
should be included in this list, please send an e-mail to the webmaster.

Moise, K. (2009). Play behaviour and activity
budgets of non-adult, wild southern-Bornean gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis),
in the National Laboratory for Peat-Swamp Forest, Sabangau Catchment, Indonesia.
Master's thesis, Oxford Brookes University, U.K., vii+58 pp.
Mumford, A. (2009). A preliminary assessment of seed dispersal by two ape species
in the Sabangau. Honour's thesis, University of Oxford, U.K., 42 pp.
Oktaviani, R. (2009). Studi perilaku bersuara owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch
Audebert, 1798) di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak, provinsi Jawa Barat [Study
on the behavior of the Javan silvery gibbon (Hylobates moloch Audebert,
1798) in Mount Halimun National Park, West Java]. Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya
Hutan Dan Ekowisata, Fakultas Kehutanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (Bogor Agricultural
University), Bogor, v+53 pp. (Indonesian language, English summary)
Ryall, C. (2009). Variations in calling behaviour in Bristol Zoo Garden's captive
agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis). Bachelor's thesis, University of Bristol, U.K.,
74 pp.
Sankaran, S. (2009). Social behaviour and duetting in hoolock gibbons in Gibbon
Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam. Master's thesis, Wildlife Science, Saurashtra University,
Rajkot, ix+47 pp.
Schneider, H. (2009). Verhaltensbiologische Beobachtung der Silbergibbons (Hylobates
moloch) des Tierparks Hellabrunn, München. Praktikumsarbeit zur Vorlesung
Verhaltensbiologie, betreut durch Prof. Dr. R. Gerstmeier, Lehrstuhl für Zoologie,
Technische Universität München, Sommersemester 2009, 27 pp.
Schneider, H. (2009). Vergleich der Eltern-Kind-Beziehung der Siamangs (Symphalangus
syndactylus) und der Silbergibbons (Hylobates moloch) im Tierpark
Hellabrunn. Bachelor thesis, Technische Universität München, Wissenschaftszentrum
Weihenstephan, ix+32 pp. (German text, English abstract).